Today’s Direct Selling Business is an innovative, intelligent, creative distribution channel enjoying a dynamic development. This statement is based on the enormous growth rate of genuine Direct Selling companies as well as on the fact, that more and more companies are going to sell their products under second label via Direct Selling, i.e. in addition to the stationary market, their common distribution channel.
The advantages involved are obvious –
For the company…
- mobility compared to stationary market;
- better profit;
- higher risk diversity;
- direct connection to market/endconsumer;
- casual customers become regular customers;
- decentralization of commerce – no setback of turnover due to car-free city centres!
For the distributor…
- equal opportunities – for everybody without exception!
- full- or part-time job;
- performance oriented payment;
- no fixed working hours (2nd pillar!)
- low costs = practicable way into self-employment;
- social contacts!
For the customer…
- substantial and in-depth product/service information;
- quality products;
- no closing days, no closing hours;
- decentralization of commerce – product comes to customer;
- shopping is fun – no stress/no long distances;
- social contacts!